Wednesday, November 12, 2008

HATE OF THE WEEK........#1 no..assholes...who don't pull up all the way at gas stations?
Doesn't looking at that just make you want to jump through your screen and go slash that d-bag's tires??? You're probably a little confused as to what I mean. WHY didn't he just pull his car up?? Now how hard is it gonna be for me to pull ahead and then back into the pump in front of him? Then when he wants to leave, he's gonna have to back up and somebody is going to be in back of him and now they're both going to have to wait until I leave.

Since I'm already pissed about the way I had to pull into the pump, and now that I know they're waiting, I'm going to take my sweet ass time. I might check out the hot dog specials inside or I might go talk with Renaldo working the front counter and see how his night's going.

In conclusion, all people who don't pull up all the way at gas stations have the clap.

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